Introducing S3: The World’s Smoothest Scooter

2 min readAug 19, 2019

We designed the new Skip S3 to address reliability, sustainability, and safety. We believe, more strongly than ever, that making scooter sharing work for riders doesn’t have come at the expense of everyone else. So we built hardware for our riders, but also to serve the needs of their neighbors, our technicians, our city regulatory partners, and all of us who are affected by the environmental impact of our transportation systems.

Starting with the basic vehicle architecture, we designed a low center of gravity, rear wheel drive, road-worthy lighting, and built a stable base for your feet that’s long and wide.

Our new swappable battery — the first custom-designed for this use — means our fleet is more available when you want to ride. It also makes charging more efficient for our team and the environment by reducing reliance on charging vans and trucks.

A modular design supported by a unique system of efficient, low-waste repairs, make for a huge step forward in creating the most sustainable shared fleet on the road.

See the Skip S3 Spec Sheet

This is a huge milestone for our team and we’re excited to share their hard work with all of you. I want to personally thank everyone who has ridden Skip, written with product requests, and supported our mission and our unique approach. I especially want to thank our team and their families who have logged countless hours iterating on the design, spending time away from home, and being relentless in pursuit of our goal.

Keep an eye out for us testing on the road in San Francisco. We look forward to rolling out our new fleet in the coming months, and you can sign up here for updates on when and where you can ride. We can’t wait for you to try S3.

- Sanjay, CEO and Founder

